Impulse cooler/freezer with a sliding lid

This state-of-the-art impulse cabinet can act as both a freezer and a cooler, and can effectively help you boost your impulse sales and upsales.
The cabinet comes with glass sides and a handy, energy-saving sliding lid.
If you would like to boost your impulse sales and upsales, make sure your products are eye-catching and inviting. This makes it more likely that your customers will, for example, be tempted by items you have on sale or that are approaching their sell-by date.
With an elegant impulse cooler/freezer like the SVABA 200 3 GNP 9005, you can make sure your products are presented appropriately. With glass sides and a sliding lid, the cabinet provides a perfect overview of your products on display, while the built-in LED lighting helps to highlight the contents of your cabinet.
One of the brilliant things about the SVABA 200 3 GNP 9005 is that it is convertible. This means you can easily switch between freezing and cooling, depending on what products you have on offer, for example. It may also be relevant to switch the setting during special holidays or seasonal transitions.
With this impulse cooler/freezer, you have endless options, allowing you to meet your customers’ needs with just the right products. Even the ones they did not know they were missing.
The SVABA 200 3 GNP 9005 is a larger impulse cabinet. Our product range, however, also contains two other cabinets with a similar design: a medium-sized impulse cabinet and a smaller impulse cabinet.