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Item no.: WTPES 5972

Wine cooler with tinted glass and UV filter

Capacity: 155 bottles of wine distributed on six shelves
Product data sheet
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With this wine cooler, you can store a large number of wine bottles under the right conditions. The refrigerator's glass door is tinted and has a built-in UV protection filter.

The refrigerator with two temperature zones has ventilated cooling and a digital thermostat.

About the product

  • 5 to 20 degrees Celsius
  • ventilated cooling
  • activated carbon filter
  • reversible door
  • 6 shelves.

Activated carbon filter ensures good air quality

WTPES 5972 provides ideal conditions for wine storage. The refrigerator comes with an activated carbon filter, tinted glass, UV filter, and a low-vibration compressor.

The low-vibration compressor ensures that the wine is not subjected to harmful movements. The UV filter and tinted glass protect the wine from harmful light and radiation. The activated carbon filter ensures good air quality inside the refrigerator, so the wine, for example, is not damaged by odors that can penetrate the cork.

For both upright and lying bottles

This elegant wine cooler has six shelves, five of which can be pulled out. The refrigerator provides space for both lying and standing wine bottles, so you can, for example, have open bottles standing in the refrigerator. As a rule, wine should be stored lying down to ensure that the cork does not dry out and shrink, which can allow air to enter the bottle.

Also, feel free to take a look at these sophisticated wine coolers:

WTES 5872
WFG 185
W 185 SORT.

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