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Item no.: MX - CURVED 20 05 RB

Ice cream counter with 20 canteens of 5 litres

Automatic defrosting and a night blind
Product data sheet
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 This professional ice cream counter comes with 20 stainless steel canteens. Each canteen can hold five litres of refreshing ice cream. 

The 20 canteens in MX Curved 20 are arranged in two rows. This provides customers with a good overview of their options, while keeping all the flavours within easy reach of those behind the counter. 

Special features

  • curved glass with hot gas technology
  • stainless steel worktop
  • fitted wheels
  • works up to 35 degrees
  • includes a night blind

Hot gas technology saves you time and hassle

The MX Curved 20 makes use of special hot gas technology. This means that the glass on the sides and curved front of the ice cream tray is heated to prevent frost from forming. 

With no frost on the glass, customers are guaranteed a good view of your frozen temptations. At the same time, you avoid having to switch off and empty your ice cream counter regularly to remove frost. 

A cold pleasure – even in hot weather

No matter how hot it gets, the MX Curved 20 can keep your ice cream frozen and fresh for your customers. It works at temperatures all the way up to 35 degrees, so it is always there for you – even on the hottest of summer days. The temperature range of the ice cream counter is between -22 and -16 degrees. 

When you close for the night, your ice cream counter can be closed using a handy roller blind. If you need to move your ice cream counter, you can easily do so thanks to its fitted wheels. 

Also available for 12, 16, 18 and 24 canteens. 

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