Hot service counter in an elegant, modular design

A service counter can help to encourage more people to buy. For that reason, if you would like to boost your impulse sales and upsales, service counters are almost inevitable.
This beautiful hot counter comes with static heating and a digital thermostat.
You probably know it yourself: If a shop is welcoming, you are more likely to want to shop there. If it is chaotic and messy, you will want to get out of there as soon as possible. So the layout and appearance of your store plays a significant role in the customer’s shopping experience – and on your bottom line.
With attractive service counters, you can present your product range in a way that makes customers want to shop.
With its clean, modern design, the OSC 100S HOT fits into any business environment. The counter is elegant and efficiently keeps your food warm, making it perfect for ready-made meals and delicatessen, among other things.
The hot service counter forms part of our OSLO range, which consists of various modular service counters. Their modular design makes it easy to combine the counters in various ways to create a clear line of counters with different product types. So you can easily place this counter alongside refrigerated and neutral counters to streamline your store.
Take a look at, for example: